Первый трёхколёсный друг
Трёхколёсный самокат – замечательное средство передвижения для малышей от двух лет. Сплошное удовольствие – езда на первом собственном транспорте – дарит ребёнку яркие позитивные эмоции, даёт возможность ощутить себя «большим», великолепно развивает физически.

Преимущества трёхколёсных самокатов:
Устойчивость. Благодаря трём колёсам и широкой платформе малышу легко удерживать равновесие.

Простота управления. Чтобы научиться управлять самокатом, надо стать на него – и поехать. Маленькие «водители» осваивают езду за считанные дни.
Влияние на здоровье ребёнка. При езде на самокате развивается хорошая координация движений, задействованы мышцы ног и спины, улучшается метаболизм и аппетит. Малыш становится здоровым физически и психически. На самокате невозможно заработать искривления позвоночника.

Минимальный травматизм. Самокат – намного легче велосипеда; с него можно мгновенно соскочить. На трёхколёсном самокате сложно развить высокую скорость.
Универсальность использования. Самокат не требует специальной одежды. Можно кататься в штанах, юбках, плащиках, куртках. Самокату подходит любая погода (кроме снега, конечно).

Виды трёхколёсных самокатов:
Просто самокаты – с рулём, тремя колёсами и платформой. Надёжные, устойчивые.
Самокаты детские трехколесные от 2 лет с сиденьем для малыша. Делают возможными длительные и дальние прогулки.
Самокаты с сиденьем и ручкой (для родителей). Когда малыш почувствует себя увереннее, ручку можно открутить.

При покупке самоката обратите внимание на:
Прочность изделия в магазине http://like-toys.ru, зависит от качества материалов. Качественный алюминий, полипропилен и стеклопластик – более надёжны в эксплуатации. Главное, чтобы материалы не содержали опасных для здоровья детей веществ. Также на сайте можно лего звездные войны наборы купить.
Регулировка высоты руля. Если длину ручки можно отрегулировать, значит, самокат будет «расти» вместе со своим хозяином.

Колеса. Бывают из полиуретана или резины. Первые – не боятся проколов, на вторых езда – более мягкая.

Приобретайте трёхколёсный самокат своему малышу и проводите свободное время
с огромным удовольствием!

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  5. The duration of withdrawal symptoms from Xanax and Vicodin can vary depending
    on factors such as dosage, duration of use, and individual differences.
    Read more

    Medication and Drugs


    What are side effects of abruptly stopping hydrocodone use?

    Asked by Wiki User



    Can you mix Prednisone with hydrocodone?

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    Can a mouth swab test detect what type of pain medications you take?

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    Is Hydrocodone 5-325 for tooth pain?

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    Does hydrocodone have a derive-rant of morphine?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Medication and Drugs


    How much opiate are you losing with cold water extraction of hydrocodone?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is difficult to provide an exact figure on how much opiate is
    lost during cold water extraction of hydrocodone as it can vary based on the method used
    and in
    Read more

    Medication and Drugs


    Can hydrocodone use effect your sense of smell or taste?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Hydrocodone can sometimes cause side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, and nausea, which may indirectly impact your sense of smell
    and taste. If you experi
    Read more

    Medication and Drugs


    Can you take an alka-seltzer while on hydrocodone?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is generally safe to take Alka-Seltzer while on hydrocodone,
    as there are no known interactions between the
    two. However, it’s always best to check with a he
    Read more



    What is the boiling point of Vicodin?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Vicodin is not a substance with a boiling point.
    It is a combination medication that contains hydrocodone (opioid) and acetaminophen (pain reliever).
    Each compo
    Read more

    Medication and Drugs


    Are they still making Mepergan?

    Asked by Wiki User

    No, Mepergan (meperidine/promethazine) has been discontinued by the manufacturer in the United States.

  6. There are many reasons to visit New York, but here’s
    one of the most irresistible – a bar called Dante.

    This Greenwich Village Italian-style aperitivo bar has just claimed the Perrier-sponsored World’s Best Bar Award, jumping eight places from
    2018, MailOnline Travel can exclusively reveal.

    The gong was handed out at London’s Roundhouse tonight as part of The World’s 50 Best
    Bars 2019 awards, which was dominated by the UK, with 10 bars in the prestigious ranking,
    and the USA, with seven – six in New York and one
    in San Francisco.

    Dante, pictured, has just claimed the Perrier-sponsored World’s Best Bar Award,
    jumping eight places from 2018

    The awards organisers said: ‘Dante [pictured] serves superb coffee and cocktails, as well as
    high-quality food, becoming an international drinks destination at the same
    time as retaining a buzzing neighbourhood bar vibe’ 

    Dante is owned by two Australians, Nathalie Hudson and Linden Pride,
    with creative direction by another Aussie, Naren Young. Here’s the team at the
    Roundhouse with their winners award. Pictured left to right:
     A Perrier representative; Naren Young, Dante’s Creative Director; Linden Pride,
    Dante’s Owner; Liana Oster, Dante’s Head Bartender; Melanie Weitzner, Co-Founder Lion & Lamb Communications (Dante’s PR Company); Rachel
    Harrison, Co-Founder Lion & Lamb Communications and Rodrigo Leme, Dante’s Director of Business Development

    Dante is known for its excellent Negronis (left). And the martinis are top drawer (pictured right)

    Dante, which first opened its doors in 1915, is actually owned by two Australians, Nathalie
    Hudson and Linden Pride, with creative direction by another Aussie, Naren Young.






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    The awards organisers said: ‘Dante serves superb coffee and cocktails, as well
    as high-quality food, becoming an international drinks destination at the same time as retaining a buzzing neighbourhood bar vibe.’

    The No2 spot is occupied by the revered Connaught Bar, housed in the uber-swanky Connaught Hotel in London’s Mayfair district.

    The No2 spot is occupied by the revered Connaught Bar (pictured), housed in the uber-swanky Connaught Hotel in London’s Mayfair 

    The staff will drink to that: Connaught Bar (pictured) also scooped the coveted Best Bar in Europe prize

    Although it missed out on the ultimate gong, it did scoop the coveted
    Best Bar in Europe prize, sponsored by Michter’s.

    In third place and named The Best Bar in South America, sponsored by
    Seedlip, is Florería Atlántico in Buenos Aires, Argentina, an improvement of 11
    places compared to last year.

    The fourth-place slot, meanwhile, is taken by NYC’s The
    NoMad and in fifth place is the American Bar in London’s five-star Savoy hotel.

    In third place and named The Best Bar in South
    America, is Florería Atlántico in Buenos Aires (pictured)

    Florería Atlántico climbed 11 places to claim the No3 spot.
    Pictured are two of its concoctions

    The Florería Atlántico team are all smiles – and no wonder, they run a bar with a
    global reputation for classy cocktails

    American Bar also takes the Legend of the List accolade, sponsored by Asahi, awarded
    to a bar that has performed most consistently in the history of the ranking.

    The other U.S bars on the list are New York’s Attaboy (No7), The Dead
    Rabbit (No22), Employees Only (No26) and Katana Kitten (No14) – the latter snagging the award for Best New Opening,
    sponsored by Thomas Henry. San Francisco’s Trick
    Dog (No42), completes the American contingent.

    The other British bars in the ranking are also in London –
    Three Sheets (No16), Coupette (No23), Scout (No28), Lyaness
    (No39), Happiness Forgets (No40), Swift (No41),
    Kwānt (No47) and Artesian, which takes 48th place.

    NYC’s The NoMad takes fourth place. The U.S boasts an impressive seven bars
    in the Top 50 ranking

    All but one of the U.S bars in the top 50 is in New York.
    San Francisco’s Trick Dog (No42) completes
    the American contingent. Pictured is a flamboyant NoMad drink

    Lyaness and Kwānt are making their debuts, while Artesian is a

    The UK can also be proud of Monica Berg, the co-owner of innovative new
    London bar Tayēr + Elementary (No52), who has been named the
    Altos Bartenders’ Bartender 2019, ‘reflecting her influence as a positive and passionate voice for change,
    education and increased professionalism in the drinks sector’.

    Spain boasts three bars on this year’s list, including Madrid’s
    Salmón Gurú (No19), which is also the winner of the Highest Climber Award,
    sponsored by Tanqueray, having leapt an impressive 28 places
    in the ranking from last year. New entry Dr.
    Stravinsky (No25) joins fellow Barcelona bar
    Paradiso (No20) on the list.

    The American Bar (pictured) is fifth overall. It’s housed in the swanky
    Savoy hotel in London 

    The staff at American Bar pose proudly in front of the
    bar. It’s said to be one of the most historically important bars open today 

    The cocktails at the American Bar almost count as works of art.  American Bar also
    takes the Legend of the List accolade, awarded to a bar that has performed most
    consistently in the history of the ranking

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